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"Inspiring Harmony in the Community Since 1991"
Livingston Parish Children's Choirs

MELANIE RUSHING: Co-director and accompanist of the Chorale, received her Bachelor of Vocal Music Education degree from LSU. She is the Director of Music Ministries at Live Oak United Methodist Church in Watson, Louisiana. She is Louisiana state certified in piano teaching and has taught piano and voice for over 30 years as well as being an active accompanist and vocal performer. she is a member of the NAfME ,LFMC, ACDA, MTNA and LMTA music organizations. Mrs. Rushing has been involved as an accompanist and director of LPCC choirs since the organization began in 1991. Her children, Shelby, Ryan, and Sarah, and husband, Perry, have been active members as singers and instrumentalists of all of the LPCC choirs.
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